Sports Vision

Improve Sports Vision with Our Optometrist

Vision plays a vital role in all sports. It has the most significant impact on your performance of all the senses. So, if there is a vision issue, your performance will suffer. Our optometry team at EyeClinic of Sandpoint put together this simple guide to help you address these issues and improve your game.

Sports Vision

What Is Sports Vision?

Sports vision is different from everyday vision. It includes common vision challenges like farsightedness and nearsightedness. In addition, there are some of these factors:

  • Eye tracking – Eye tracking is integral for many activities, including reading and following the ball and players on the field. It’s measured by how well you can follow an object without moving your head.
  • Eye focusing – How well your eyes can change focus when watching two different distances is a critical component of sports performance.
  • Depth perception – Accurately judging distance and speed can impact several things, including how well you aim and throw a ball.
  • Hand-eye coordination – Your hands and eyes must sync when swinging a bat, throwing a ball, and doing other sports tasks.

These are just a few examples, but sports vision includes several similar factors that can affect performance.

Signs of Sports Vision Problems

The following are some of the most common signs that there are sports vision problems:

  • Lack of interest in playing team sports
  • Being unable to see the ball clearly
  • Having difficulty tracking the ball or players
  • Lack of improvement, regardless of practice
  • Difficulty remembering plays
  • Throwing too far or not far enough consistently
  • Poor sports performance, even if they are athletically gifted
  • Problem throwing or catching a ball

These signs do not automatically mean there are vision problems. For example, some people don’t want to play team sports for reasons such as confidence and not liking people on the team. However, vision issues are typically the easiest to diagnose and address. If you notice these signs, an optometry appointment could make the difference.

Treatment for Improving Sports Vision

Regardless of your visual challenges, an optometrist can help through a customized treatment plan. Vision therapy enhances eye-tracking skills, hand-eye coordination, visual processing, focusing skills, peripheral vision, and more. Depending on your specific visual challenges, eyeglasses, contacts, and sunglasses are also distinct parts of treatment.

Achieve Optimal Sports Performance with Our Specialist

Ready to perform better than ever? Schedule an appointment with our team at EyeClinic of Sandpoint by calling (208) 263-8501 today. Remember to ask our optometrist if you have any further questions that haven’t been covered here.


Hours of Operation


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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 3:00 pm